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"Banisteriopsis Caapi Extract" Banisteriopsis Caapi 15ml (0.5 oz)"
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The Soul Vine The Soul Vine The Soul Vine The Soul Vine The Soul Vine

Indulge in the mystical essence of "Banisteriopsis Caapi Extract" with our premium 15ml (0.5 oz) extract. Sourced from the heart of the Amazon rainforest, this meticulously crafted tincture encapsulates the spiritual journey of indigenous tribes, offering a potent and authentic experience for spiritual exploration and inner awakening.

Banisteriopsis Caapi, also known as the sacred vine of the Amazon, has long been revered for its transformative properties and its role in traditional shamanic ceremonies. Our extract is carefully prepared to ensure the highest quality and purity, capturing the essence of this revered plant medicine.

Each drop of our "Banisteriopsis Caapi Extract" contains the powerful energies of the Amazon rainforest, making it an ideal tool for meditation, introspection, and spiritual growth. Whether used alone or in combination with other sacred plants, this tincture can help facilitate deep inner journeys and profound insights.

In addition to its spiritual benefits, Banisteriopsis Caapi is also known for its potential therapeutic properties. It may help promote mental clarity, emotional balance, and physical well-being, making it a valuable ally on the path to holistic health and wellness.

Our Banisteriopsis Caapi extract is ethically sourced and sustainably harvested, ensuring that you receive the highest quality product while supporting the conservation of the Amazon rainforest and the livelihoods of indigenous communities.

Embrace the wisdom of the Amazonian traditions and unlock the transformative power of Banisteriopsis Caapi with our premium extract. Elevate your consciousness, deepen your spiritual practice, and embark on a journey of self-discovery with this sacred plant medicine.








Customer Reviews

Based on 25 reviews
Homero Martinez
Simple with a lot of benefits

When; I took it; I had good sleep it felt like melatonin. Yet to attempt higher doses; I think people underestimate the power herbs hold. They can change lives and a lot of people don’t see the benefits. They can cure and or prevent a serious illness/disease before it even starts. Thank you for making it readily available to those who take time to do research about the benefits herbs hold.

Zach Edwards

Banisteriopsis Caapi 15ml (0.5 oz)

Lance Meredith
Banisteriopsis Caapi 15ml (0.5 oz)?

I honestly can’t give a valuable review of the tincture as I’ve only used it a few times. However, I will say that the product was delivered as advertised and included detailed information on use. Just because I haven’t had much experience with it, doesn’t mean I won’t give praise for the company and how the customer is treated. They are very professional 😊

Tony Rouse

Banisteriopsis Caapi 15ml (0.5 oz)

Not neccessary.

This is what i wrote to a friend of mine..

I wanted to share with you my experience.

So since i love plants and nature ,i connect to life force naturally, and i heard from you about Aya a lot, i wanted to know this plant consicousness, you know , like say hi and see what she says. Just out of a curiosity to know.

So i discovered that you can get just the root of Baanister Caapi extract microdosing to try, and not needing the DMT element of it.

So yesterday i tried the root extract micro doses to see what this beautiful plant is all about.

She is a powerful relaxer, yes. She relaxed the body deeply and even the mind, making the arising of thoughts difficult, which is beautiful,
but i felt the Deeper I AM that Presence or Awareness, is untouched because it does not exist on the level of created. It is deeper and it was awaring all the changes clearly. It was untouched by the changes happening to mind or the body. And i felt i am existing as the awareness through every changing experience.

So i did not feel like i lost the continuity of awareness that is always here, and even this plant effects felt like an overlay on top of this alert awareness, like everything else that is created such as sensations, thoughts or emotions, beliefs etc. So deep relaxations or tightness both come and go on top of what always is itself. Aware. And here. Deeper.

So i could witness changes but not be touched by them. This kind of proves the point of eternal being eternal.
Once seen, the deeper presence is deeper than anything created so nothing can touch it. It is the uncreated essence.

So in the end, i felt that this is not needed. It is unneccssary when you are exposed to that silence or stillness naturally and once felt like the hole in the veil, it is always active in the background and you as the consciousness know your way to be still and yourself. You dont need external help to find that. You are that. You don't lose this sense of Nothingness. The deeper essence which pleasure or pain cannot affect it.
If anything the plant helps a person to be This. Nothingness. Through letting go of identities. Or contractions.

The plant will only assist for deeper surrender to connect to this, definitely, but i felt strongly in my case, it is not neccessary to take anything external for that.

So perhaps this is the plant's msg. I dont need it. I still feel it's powerful effects on the body, but my consciousness is not touched. It has been alert aware and present before and after and through changes.

Plant is a beautiful powerful teacher no doubt, but ultimately a teacher has taught everything when the teacher becomes unneccessary.
If you can know to BE this true nature or The natural state already, and connect to this Stillness through surrender within the human experience, then the plant is not neccessary. This is my honest experience.

There is something deeper which is untouched, this is where i am & end up always.

I know with DMT added in the actual ceremony with a wise shaman, you might have a deeper powerful experiences, but even that ultimately teaches you and leaves you to recognise the most natural state , which is not an experience , not the changing experiences , but instead that which is always, and independent as in shines directly from within you without needing anything else.

Perhaps this is her lesson.

I was curious. And i am glad this is her msg.